
This semester has flown by. Although, at times I thought it was never ever going to end... I can't believe tomorrow is my last day! Spring break could not be coming at a better time, I'm so ready for some time off at home!

It has been such a fun semester and I have been able to meet so many new and amazing people. Sierra left for spring break this morning, and I am busy preparing to move into a new apartment next semester. I'm so lucky to have had such an amazing roommate and best friend for the past three semesters. While it has been a sad move, spring will be filled with change and new adventures! I can't wait.

In the mean time, excuse me while I go pack and finish all my finals...



Happy (late) Easter! I was so happy I was able to escape school for a little bit and make a little trip down to Utah this weekend. I had such a lovely time with my family and was so excited to see my little nephews and niece and to catch up with my siblings. It's always sad saying goodbye when it's time to head back up to Rexburg, and this weekend was no different. We had so much fun having picnics, playing at parks, having a much needed GNO, and of course having an easter egg hunt for the little ones. (More pics of my weekend are to come.) I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are recouping from all the sugar highs!

Here is what I wore for my Easter Sunday!
